Wednesday, December 5, 2007

End of Semester

I've actually packed all of my books up and shipped then hope in a tidy box. There are a couple outliers. The other night my friend Nicole and I watched "A Clockwork Orange" she really wanted to see it but didn't understand what was happening and found herself getting bored. It broke my heart a little.

I suggested she read the book before we watched and insisted after we had finished. I gave it to her then, I don't know if she got around to reading it. The book is quite small but an amazing read. Funny on subsequent reading I found the book more shocking than before. Guess my mind grew in a positive way... don't want to be an Alex. Though I do love his character immensely.

Otherwise my friend Jen just finished reading the 400+ pages that is 'Twilight' by Stephanie Meyer. I think I have gotten her hooked onto the series/ Here's to her reading the other two and buying the fourth when it has been written (haha)

Me? I've been on a desperate search for "Tenderness" by Robert Cormier. I finally saw the film adaptation of "I am the Cheese!". Ugh... I was sooo excited, what a waste of film!! They changed so may things and characters. And on top of all else the flow was terrible so I was bored to tears minus maybe two scenes. Here's to someone like Tim Burton getting bored and taking it up as a future project. The book deserves a better/darker interpretation.

Leaving college pretty much equals "Brain Death" I'll be picking up alot of new books to keep my mind working .

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Lost Colony

This is what I brought you, this you can keep.  

This is what I brought, you may forget me. I promise you the part just promise one thing...

Yeah, The semester is winding down and so is my reading. I have to pick up "The Gift of Fear" for my personal defense class. I picked it up at the beginning of the semester but was put off after reading about a woman getting raped and almost killed in the first few pages! I don't think I can be blamed for that.

I received The Lost Colony the final Artemis Fowl book in them mail today. I've been taking it to class to try and get a good dent in it. I must have read a preview of he first chapter somewhere because it seems terribly familiar, enough to make me question the book and if the author had just strung bits of the other books together.

Hmm, just went through the books. Chapter one of book five was at the end of book one, I read it so long ago I must have remembered it as part of the first book. Anyway I'm excited. This one is supposed to be the best and most realistic book.

Where are we going?

I have alot of books that I haven't read and some that I probably never will. I bought the "Narnia" book which I'm pretty sure I was forced to read in grade school. I cracked it open and could barely get through a chapter. I hate the writing style. Ah well.

I got my friend J invested into the "Twilight" series. Cheers.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

I am the cheese

When I was young... I knew everything.

So I read this amazing book by Robert Cormier. You may have read it too, I had heard of  it before and had the impression that it was good but I had no idea why. It's one of those books that your teacher makes you read for class but you never do and spark note it instead. But if you stumble into it later in life of your own accord and read it then it's awesome.

Thankfully I was never  forced read it so it was not ruined for me. I am now in love with Robert Cormier and his writing style. I have since ordered some more of his books. I was very sad indeed to find that he has passed away about 7 years ago. At least he has left us something to live on after him.

I am the cheese though published in the 70's is a really timeless tale about a boy just trying to find his way. It is very dark, full of twists and just the right touch of romance (Amy Hertz). My favorite scene has to be the breakdown in front of the old hotel, I love the way it is described. This sound comes out of no where and almost deafens him, he reaches up only to find that his mouth is open and its coming from him, "'Adam" is screaming.

I will definitely be using/expanding that idea in a short story some day.

It's everything I love in a book and most of all  narrator is male. Who could ask for more?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Books books and more books

Today (and Tomorrow) are the schools annual Good Cause Cafe. A kind of book pot luck where you can go in drink free coffee and pick up books from 25 cents to $1.00.

I pretty much ran out of my south campus class onto the bus which was of course late to try and be one of the first people in there. It's funny when I finally arrived it was pretty empty, it makes me kinda sad to know that pretty much a book fair that's near free for all I'm concerned doesn't excite college students. It really does break my heart to know that kids today don't read for pleasure. Also that the book covers have to flashier to even grab a modern young adults attention.

I ran straight to the children's/ young adult section, somehow its my favorite reading level. They are quick to read and are usually imaginative. My interests span to adult fiction as well but I am very picky about how things are written. If I can't decide I'll read a few pages to see how I feel about the writing style. I guess everyone is that way or we would read everything. Obviously the plot has to strike me as interesting.

So in the end I got about 10 books for $3.50. It was such a steal!!! *maniacal laughter* I purchased "I am the cheese" for a dollar because I have heard so much about it, on a flip through it looked slightly amazing. I also got a short children's series (4 books) named "Pyrates". I got a NEW Unfortunate Event's book (one of the reprints with more text and images) for .25 cents. Also a Peter Pan movie book just because it's a great little movie. Rounding it out with an Animorphs books I was missing and 'A wrinkle in time' because I never read it.

*Sigh* that made me happy. And then... I went to this class.

*insert dramatic pause so reader may draw own conclusions from implications*

Yeah so I've finally gotten myself back into the 4th "Artemis Fowl" book "The Opal Deception". Like my previous rant I still have a hard time dealing with extra characters like "Holly" and "Opal" but I'll survive because Artemis (Arty! is so well written). Cheers ^_^ I'm also finishing the first forgive my spelling "Bartimaeous Trilogy" book. Somewhere in my fervor I lost interest. I suppose it happens.

It's harder when your in school to squeeze in books for pleasure, thus why I enjoy short reads that can take me to another place and only take an hour or less out of my days. But with children's books getting so thick Ala the severely over hyped "Harry Potter" series they take as long as any other book to digest. Ah well.

God save the printed word!

or something...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Like Minds

Because once a week is enough for a class blog...

So today I'm cheating. I'm not writing about a book as much as something that should be novelized NOW. It's a film, a film written and directed by the same man. I don't believe he intended the complexities that come from the film. Like it or not hes caused a mini revolution!

Ok, yeah not really. However it has been sometime since I've seen a film that hits me hard enough that I can spend hours after debating the plot and scouring the Internet for bones. There are plenty of people like myself who have come up with their own answers. The director isn't much help in the matter the story is much more than he intended and the actors have so much chemistry that the tension jumps off of the screen causing some people to blame the movie of being anti-gay when nothing in the movie concretely even suggest a gay theme but the actors performances.

This discussion will go into "gay" themes and ideas so if that offends you.


You may also drop and roll if it pleases you.

So the film, "Like minds" renamed and dumbed down for it's straight to DVD US of A release to "Murderous Intent". Because who would rent a movie with a title that actually has to do with the story line.... ugh

Anyway, this is not about my hate for our country. The movie starts with actor Eddie Reidman (Alex) he has been charged with the Murder of his friend Tom Sturridge (Nigel). The film continues on in flash back form exposing the twisted relationship these two boys had focusing on gestalt psychology and the idea of sociopaths. The ending is left to interpretation.

... To Be Continued.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Artemis Fowl does not equal Holly Short

Post may contain spoilers for "Artemis Fowl" book series:

Ok, so I'm a pretty big fan of the Artemis Fowl book series. More specifically I'm a pretty big fan of Artemis himself, his physical characteristics and mind. As any good fan would do I tried to find out more about the author of said series. Turns out hes some old man, with a family who teaches or something for a living. That fact almost killed the book for me.

Another problem I have with the book is the whole side story about "Holly Short". Ok, yes eventually Holly and Artemis meet and their stories intersect but otherwise why is she in the book? I bought a book named Artemis Fowl, Not Artemis and his amazing friends.

She makes reading the book tedious. The chapters usually exchange point of view and 90% of the time Holly is not with Artemis. Holly is just existing in her little world, The best book in the series had to be three because it was actually ABOUT the title character.

This sorta brings me to a point planned for another post. The use of magic, and magical creatures in childrens' books. Artemis within himself along with Butler (his Eurasian classically martial arts trained butler) are interesting enough without adding fantasy creatures into the story. Why take something good and ruin it.

Book three "The Eternity Code" invites you to a scene in London England much like the other books. However this one dives right into an action scene, a human story. By book three you are so invested in the characters it is painful and wonderful to read what unfolds. We get underneath Artemis's cold exterior for maybe the first time and see a boy in pain momentarily lost for words. Colfer's writing gets better with each book and this maybe the climax. The next book in the series did not grab me the way this one did.

The books minus the first are written in current time so as of right now Artemis would be about 19, when the stories begin he was 12. I realize the character is fictional but it would be so amazing to be able to bring a selection of book characters to life. I know others feel that way, I mean a simple example are facebook clubs such as "I refuse to believe fictional character's aren't real". And I do refuse.

I don't know what makes fictional characters so magical within themselves. Characters that spawn fanclubs, shirts, arguments, relationships. A big part of humanity is thanks to fiction, some people live through and for fandoms. Eh. Here I end.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Jacob Black

Reasons why Jacob Black is Best for Bella Swann and Edward Cullen needs to go join the voltori or something.

Post will contain spoilers for "Twilight" series:

I stared out like the average fan enamored by Edward Cullen and annoyed by Jacob Black. New Moon was soo painful to read because I was just biding time until I could read about Edward again. After reading Eclipse fully and re-reading New Moon my opinions have changed.

Edward Cullen first and formost can only provide Bella with Love and Money. Ans while there is some 12yr old out there recounting the old Beatles song "All you need is love" the fact of life is that just isn't true. The final entry in my venture to Team Jacob! was Jacob himself comparing Bellas relationship.

Edward is like a drug, and addiction... something she cannot live with out. What were we taugh about drugs kids? That's right! Just Say No.

And in contrast Jacob would have been her "sun" a warmth in her life that could provide so much more than one who is undead. Edward is unable to live in the light, her life would be forced into the shadows. He cannot provide a family or anything a stable young woman might want from a marriage.

Edward had become controlling, such as stealing her motor when she wanted to use the car. Do you really want to marry that? And do you really want to marry someone so beautiful that you look like a hobo in comparison even on your best day? Not to meantion his body is rock hard and freezing... that cannot be comfortable for a lifetime.

The book details her life with Jacob, beautiful children running around a happy and open life. He can provide her with everything Edward cannot plus the added protection of his power. There are downfalls to both but Bella admittedly KNOWS Jacob is her soul mate, go with the sure thing!

Team Jacob Forever.

What is this all about?

I decided to make my personal class journal about the current books I am reading. They are mostly young adult and teen fiction. Here I will detail my gripes and praise for my current brood. With hopes that others are reading the same books and may be able to relate.