Friday, October 19, 2007

Artemis Fowl does not equal Holly Short

Post may contain spoilers for "Artemis Fowl" book series:

Ok, so I'm a pretty big fan of the Artemis Fowl book series. More specifically I'm a pretty big fan of Artemis himself, his physical characteristics and mind. As any good fan would do I tried to find out more about the author of said series. Turns out hes some old man, with a family who teaches or something for a living. That fact almost killed the book for me.

Another problem I have with the book is the whole side story about "Holly Short". Ok, yes eventually Holly and Artemis meet and their stories intersect but otherwise why is she in the book? I bought a book named Artemis Fowl, Not Artemis and his amazing friends.

She makes reading the book tedious. The chapters usually exchange point of view and 90% of the time Holly is not with Artemis. Holly is just existing in her little world, The best book in the series had to be three because it was actually ABOUT the title character.

This sorta brings me to a point planned for another post. The use of magic, and magical creatures in childrens' books. Artemis within himself along with Butler (his Eurasian classically martial arts trained butler) are interesting enough without adding fantasy creatures into the story. Why take something good and ruin it.

Book three "The Eternity Code" invites you to a scene in London England much like the other books. However this one dives right into an action scene, a human story. By book three you are so invested in the characters it is painful and wonderful to read what unfolds. We get underneath Artemis's cold exterior for maybe the first time and see a boy in pain momentarily lost for words. Colfer's writing gets better with each book and this maybe the climax. The next book in the series did not grab me the way this one did.

The books minus the first are written in current time so as of right now Artemis would be about 19, when the stories begin he was 12. I realize the character is fictional but it would be so amazing to be able to bring a selection of book characters to life. I know others feel that way, I mean a simple example are facebook clubs such as "I refuse to believe fictional character's aren't real". And I do refuse.

I don't know what makes fictional characters so magical within themselves. Characters that spawn fanclubs, shirts, arguments, relationships. A big part of humanity is thanks to fiction, some people live through and for fandoms. Eh. Here I end.

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