Sunday, November 18, 2007

I am the cheese

When I was young... I knew everything.

So I read this amazing book by Robert Cormier. You may have read it too, I had heard of  it before and had the impression that it was good but I had no idea why. It's one of those books that your teacher makes you read for class but you never do and spark note it instead. But if you stumble into it later in life of your own accord and read it then it's awesome.

Thankfully I was never  forced read it so it was not ruined for me. I am now in love with Robert Cormier and his writing style. I have since ordered some more of his books. I was very sad indeed to find that he has passed away about 7 years ago. At least he has left us something to live on after him.

I am the cheese though published in the 70's is a really timeless tale about a boy just trying to find his way. It is very dark, full of twists and just the right touch of romance (Amy Hertz). My favorite scene has to be the breakdown in front of the old hotel, I love the way it is described. This sound comes out of no where and almost deafens him, he reaches up only to find that his mouth is open and its coming from him, "'Adam" is screaming.

I will definitely be using/expanding that idea in a short story some day.

It's everything I love in a book and most of all  narrator is male. Who could ask for more?

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