Monday, November 26, 2007

The Lost Colony

This is what I brought you, this you can keep.  

This is what I brought, you may forget me. I promise you the part just promise one thing...

Yeah, The semester is winding down and so is my reading. I have to pick up "The Gift of Fear" for my personal defense class. I picked it up at the beginning of the semester but was put off after reading about a woman getting raped and almost killed in the first few pages! I don't think I can be blamed for that.

I received The Lost Colony the final Artemis Fowl book in them mail today. I've been taking it to class to try and get a good dent in it. I must have read a preview of he first chapter somewhere because it seems terribly familiar, enough to make me question the book and if the author had just strung bits of the other books together.

Hmm, just went through the books. Chapter one of book five was at the end of book one, I read it so long ago I must have remembered it as part of the first book. Anyway I'm excited. This one is supposed to be the best and most realistic book.

Where are we going?

I have alot of books that I haven't read and some that I probably never will. I bought the "Narnia" book which I'm pretty sure I was forced to read in grade school. I cracked it open and could barely get through a chapter. I hate the writing style. Ah well.

I got my friend J invested into the "Twilight" series. Cheers.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

I am the cheese

When I was young... I knew everything.

So I read this amazing book by Robert Cormier. You may have read it too, I had heard of  it before and had the impression that it was good but I had no idea why. It's one of those books that your teacher makes you read for class but you never do and spark note it instead. But if you stumble into it later in life of your own accord and read it then it's awesome.

Thankfully I was never  forced read it so it was not ruined for me. I am now in love with Robert Cormier and his writing style. I have since ordered some more of his books. I was very sad indeed to find that he has passed away about 7 years ago. At least he has left us something to live on after him.

I am the cheese though published in the 70's is a really timeless tale about a boy just trying to find his way. It is very dark, full of twists and just the right touch of romance (Amy Hertz). My favorite scene has to be the breakdown in front of the old hotel, I love the way it is described. This sound comes out of no where and almost deafens him, he reaches up only to find that his mouth is open and its coming from him, "'Adam" is screaming.

I will definitely be using/expanding that idea in a short story some day.

It's everything I love in a book and most of all  narrator is male. Who could ask for more?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Books books and more books

Today (and Tomorrow) are the schools annual Good Cause Cafe. A kind of book pot luck where you can go in drink free coffee and pick up books from 25 cents to $1.00.

I pretty much ran out of my south campus class onto the bus which was of course late to try and be one of the first people in there. It's funny when I finally arrived it was pretty empty, it makes me kinda sad to know that pretty much a book fair that's near free for all I'm concerned doesn't excite college students. It really does break my heart to know that kids today don't read for pleasure. Also that the book covers have to flashier to even grab a modern young adults attention.

I ran straight to the children's/ young adult section, somehow its my favorite reading level. They are quick to read and are usually imaginative. My interests span to adult fiction as well but I am very picky about how things are written. If I can't decide I'll read a few pages to see how I feel about the writing style. I guess everyone is that way or we would read everything. Obviously the plot has to strike me as interesting.

So in the end I got about 10 books for $3.50. It was such a steal!!! *maniacal laughter* I purchased "I am the cheese" for a dollar because I have heard so much about it, on a flip through it looked slightly amazing. I also got a short children's series (4 books) named "Pyrates". I got a NEW Unfortunate Event's book (one of the reprints with more text and images) for .25 cents. Also a Peter Pan movie book just because it's a great little movie. Rounding it out with an Animorphs books I was missing and 'A wrinkle in time' because I never read it.

*Sigh* that made me happy. And then... I went to this class.

*insert dramatic pause so reader may draw own conclusions from implications*

Yeah so I've finally gotten myself back into the 4th "Artemis Fowl" book "The Opal Deception". Like my previous rant I still have a hard time dealing with extra characters like "Holly" and "Opal" but I'll survive because Artemis (Arty! is so well written). Cheers ^_^ I'm also finishing the first forgive my spelling "Bartimaeous Trilogy" book. Somewhere in my fervor I lost interest. I suppose it happens.

It's harder when your in school to squeeze in books for pleasure, thus why I enjoy short reads that can take me to another place and only take an hour or less out of my days. But with children's books getting so thick Ala the severely over hyped "Harry Potter" series they take as long as any other book to digest. Ah well.

God save the printed word!

or something...