Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Jacob Black

Reasons why Jacob Black is Best for Bella Swann and Edward Cullen needs to go join the voltori or something.

Post will contain spoilers for "Twilight" series:

I stared out like the average fan enamored by Edward Cullen and annoyed by Jacob Black. New Moon was soo painful to read because I was just biding time until I could read about Edward again. After reading Eclipse fully and re-reading New Moon my opinions have changed.

Edward Cullen first and formost can only provide Bella with Love and Money. Ans while there is some 12yr old out there recounting the old Beatles song "All you need is love" the fact of life is that just isn't true. The final entry in my venture to Team Jacob! was Jacob himself comparing Bellas relationship.

Edward is like a drug, and addiction... something she cannot live with out. What were we taugh about drugs kids? That's right! Just Say No.

And in contrast Jacob would have been her "sun" a warmth in her life that could provide so much more than one who is undead. Edward is unable to live in the light, her life would be forced into the shadows. He cannot provide a family or anything a stable young woman might want from a marriage.

Edward had become controlling, such as stealing her motor when she wanted to use the car. Do you really want to marry that? And do you really want to marry someone so beautiful that you look like a hobo in comparison even on your best day? Not to meantion his body is rock hard and freezing... that cannot be comfortable for a lifetime.

The book details her life with Jacob, beautiful children running around a happy and open life. He can provide her with everything Edward cannot plus the added protection of his power. There are downfalls to both but Bella admittedly KNOWS Jacob is her soul mate, go with the sure thing!

Team Jacob Forever.


C.J said...

perfectly valid points...BUT.

Jacob's temper can get her killed and hes kinda...

well, extremely arrogant:S

And i dont agree too much for edward either though, but maybe thats just my mind sullied by Spunk Ransom.

err yh.

Artemis Fowl said...

Lol, I don't even remember writing this! I just learned what Spunk Ransom was... the Twilight fandom has gone way beyond. Beyond anything I can or care to keep up with. I'm gonna read the final 768pg (OMG...) book in my little corner and depending on the ending retire until the film.